Hugo McPherson wins BDAAT award
Freshwinds’ Bro-Sis project were very proud of Hugo McPherson, Drug Worker within the project, for winning the ‘Excellence in Encouraging Take up of Treatment Services’ Award at the recent Birmingham Drug and Alcohol Action Team’s Awards Ceremony. The award was presented to Hugo by Parveen Akhtar, Strategic Lead of the Drug and Alcohol Action Team.
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His approach, dedication and determination has resulted in an increase of the number of BME individuals accessing treatment services. Hugo has worked tirelessly to increase the awareness of the Bros-Sis service to this client group. Hugo’s energetic and enthusiastic approach to support his clients, often going above and beyond his remit as a drug worker, means that he looks at the wider picture. Through attending community events, providing support to clients out of hours on evenings and weekends and using his no nonsense approach to provide a tough service which challenges client’s behaviour. Hugo’s ability to communicate on many levels means he can gain respect and trust from individuals who have substance misuse problems within the BME community.
Hugo strives to deliver results for his clients by adopting a truly holistic and integrated style of working. Working for a small service provider, Hugo is able to quickly and effectively respond to individuals by providing a fully joined up service that remains focused on the needs of different communities demonstrating his skills in engaging with hard to reach groups whilst promoting a recovery agenda.
If you would like to contact the Bro-sis team on issues of substance misuse or refer someone to the service, please contact 0121 4156670