Help Birmingham reach 1,000,000 acts of kindness!

A Birmingham project is aiming to record 1,000,000 acts of kindness across the city’s citizens. As their website states:

‘Imagine what Birmingham would look like if there was an outbreak of kindness across OUR city and everyone did a daily act of kindness…’

Now more than ever is there a need for us to demonstrate kindness and generosity towards one another in our communities, neighbourhoods, schools, work place, colleges and universities.

Everyone has the ability to be kind – so we’re challenging everyone in our city to take part in ’1MAK Birmingham’ a year long citywide initiative encouraging people across all sections of the community to make a difference in their communities, work, school or home through practical acts of kindness.

People can log their acts on the website (however small or large) and a tally is being kept of each Ward’s total. You can find out more about the project at