Corporate Volunteering and Fundraising
Getting involved in a fundraising or volunteering project for Freshwinds at work can be very rewarding and help you develop new skills. It’s also a great way to meet new people, give yourself a challenge and have loads of fun at the same time.
As an employer, encouraging your staff to work together on fundraising projects can provide team-building and skills-learning opportunities, improve internal communication, motivate you staff team and it can also enhance your corporate image with staff, suppliers, and the wider community.
You may have a specific week or period in the year where you promote your company or organisation. You could add a charity fundraising element in your promotion to increase media and public relations opportunities. Many companies support employees holding coffee mornings, dress down days, cake sales and other similar events and some companies will match the funds that are raised.
If you or your employees want to fundraise for Freshwinds, please contact us and our team will be able to provide you with further information and ideas.