Complementary Therapies for Families
[singlepic id=81 w=160 h=120 float=left]During the spring of 2010 the Integrated Medicine Team ran a series of very successful workshops inviting families who are caring for a child with complex health care needs to join with us to learn simple techniques of a range of complementary therapies. This was funded by Heart of Birmingham PCT. Most of the workshops were held on Saturday mornings over a period of 10 weeks covering aromatherapy, massage, relaxation and reflexology. A total of 49 families (121 individuals) attended the workshops. The aim was to allow families to join together in a relaxed and informal way and meet other families to learn new skills that could be used at home to help relieve common symptoms such as pain, discomfort, fatigue, constipation, anxiety and stress. In addition to the Saturday mornings, some sessions were held atThe Birmingham Community Children’s Centre (Bacchus Road) and at Mayfield School (Handsworth).
[singlepic id=82 w=160 h=120 float=right]In an atmosphere of fun and play, some of the techniques covered included foot massage, a story script for children’s back massage, a quiz about aromatherapy oils and visualisation for relaxation. Families were able to choose which of the sessions to access and they all took away booklets outlining the techniques covered so that they could continue to use them at home. Immediate feedback from the parents and children indicates that they felt more enabled in being able to benefit their son/daughter or brother/sister. Comments from families include;
- “Benefit son & family help son sleep well relax more”
- “Because my son suffers from ” stridor” this helps relax and feel better at breathing”
- “Will help incorporate relaxation into our daily lives”
- “Help relive aches and pains”
- “It also helps you to bond as a family taking time for relaxation together, making things a lot less stressful”.
[singlepic id=83 w=160 h=120 float=left]At each workshop two Freshwinds therapists were available to teach the techniques of the therapy in question and support learning. Everyone was encouraged to join in with the focus on a hands-on approach. It was very special to see children massaging their mums and dads and each other. Stories and rhymes were used to very good effect to teach massage and reflexology techniques and bubbles played a big part in each session, which were originally intended to distract the very youngest children but seemed to appeal to everyone![singlepic id=84 w=160 h=120 float=right]
The workshops were very well attended and very enjoyable – as the photographs will prove. We shared delicious food provided for the Saturday sessions by the Saffron Centre and had some very lively sessions as well as some very relaxing ones.
For further information please contact Ann Goddard (Complementary therapy coordinator) on 0121 415 6670.